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Emily Bache

Free the Girls

ONE WEEK from today we will be Co-Hosting the Free The Girls! "Bras on Top!" party with Katya, of Style Defined. When Katya told us about the organization, and her idea for a party, we immediately jumped on board. It's like this: "By partnering with safe houses and after-care facilities, we provide an opportunity for women rescued from sex trafficking to earn a living selling second-hand clothing while going to school, getting healthy, and caring for their families.

Selling clothes allows them to work as much or as little as their school schedule permits. The women in our program receive their starting inventory as a donation, and are then able to buy additional inventory from Free The Girls for below wholesale value to help maintain their competitive edge in the marketplace. Revenue from inventory sales helps subsidize overseas program costs.

On Tuesday, July 23rd, from 11pm 'til late, "Bras on Top!" will be held with Susanne Bartsch’s Top of the Standard, along with Michael Fragoso. (848 Washington Street.) PLEASE BRING ONE (or more) GENTLY USED BRAS TO DONATE! During the party you can enter yourself to win a seriously stacked giftbag from designer bexNYC, including a bra, panties, giftcard, and bottle of champagne! Also, if you can't make the late night affair, please see the above flyer for INA's bra donation collection.

Xx, WanderLust Girls

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