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Emily Bache

Personalized Jewelry

We've all seen a million variations of the name tag necklace made famous by Carrie Bradshaw on Sex And The City, and that will of course always be a classic, but have you ever seen personalized rings?! We love a hand full of rings, and couldn't get over the idea of having our business name emblazoned on not one, but TWO rings side by side or even stacked on top of one another.

If you're not looking to promote your business through jewelry that's fine too, because these rings would make for such a sweet gift for any girl, woman, or even a stylish dude that isn't afraid to wear jewelry (p.s. we love those men.) Maybe you inscribe it with a name, nickname, a personal reference, or if they're young and hip like us (haha just kidding) get their Instagram handle or business name. (PSA: Don't forget Mother's Day is coming up!) The stackable ring with name pictured above is our favorite, but check out the variety on oNecklace for all kinds of style preferences!

xx, WanderLust Girls

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